Construction machinery
Mantena has extensive experience in maintenance and modification of different types of construction machinery and work trolleys. We are also able to manufacture components and spare parts for these machines.
Our unique expertise in this area makes us an important partner for various players in the market.
Mantena in Hamar is a service partner and local representative of Zephir shale tractors, including parts sales.
Mantena offers a full-service concept that ensures the correct availability of materials and spare-parts. This enables customers to achieve the best possible results, correctly managing railway stock, and maintaining its full quality and value.
In a full-service agreement, Mantena can perform all the functions described in the Security Directive (DIRECTIVE (EU) (2016/798)) and also hold the formal role of Entity in Charge of Maintenance:
1. Management function that monitors and coordinates
2. Maintenance function responsible for handling the maintenance documentation
3. Fleet maintenance control unit that controls when a vehicle is to be taken out of service for maintenance
4. Maintenance function
Mantena has been certified for all of the above functions according to Regulation 445/2011 since November 2018.
Mantena’s delivery must be characterized by:
– High availability
– Delivery according to plan
– Ability to quickly correct errors
– Technical and technological development of railway vehicles
– Effective planning
To achieve this, Mantena uses an efficient maintenance system, which is in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, orders and instructions from authorities, while the necessary requirements from material owners, operators and end customers are followed up at the appropriate level.
An effective maintenance system means that all parts of the system, such as maintenance programs, processes, organization and infrastructure, are optimally coordinated to achieve the best possible delivery and utilization of available resources.
Freight Train Maintenance
As is the case for passenger traffic, modern railfreight transport places strong demands on safety and punctuality. This is why we focus on maintenance systems that keep us one step ahead.
Since we correct any potential errors and replace any worn parts during planned maintenance, we limit the possibility of unforeseen downtime.
In this way, we help shipping companies acheive daily operations that are more predictable and cost-effective.
Our engineering department has broad experience and expertise in all technical and administrative areas related to railway vehicles:
– Detailed knowledge of train systems
– Maintenance processes
– Maintenance management
– Analysis of technical errors
– Tools and equipment
– Technical documentation and drawings
– Testing of components
– Design and development
– Construction
– Government relations
Engineering is responsible for finding the right technical solutions, as well as making the right reviews and decisions in order to to deliver the highest possible quality in the maintenance process. Engineers with different areas of competence work closely together to solve challenges in daily operations and projects where hands-on knowledge is combined with theoretical competence to achieve the most effective solutions.
The unit covers all requirements described in the Security Directive (EU) 2016/798 for the maintenance development function and for handling of maintenance documentation. The unit also has, among other things, expertise in the following processes:
– Management of maintenance documentation for trains
– Configuration management and control
– Development, analysis and optimization of maintenance programs based on Mantena’s optimization method and “return on experience”
– Technical development of trains based on “return of experience”
– Monitoring compliance with applicable laws, regulations and regulations
– Evaluation of technological development
Mobile Workshop
Mantena’s mobile workshop services are a supplement to our other workshop services. These are mobile teams that provide rapid response at relatively short notice to repair trains wherever they are, outside of workshops. The teams arrive by car and provide tools and spare parts as needed.
Mantena performs repairs, modifications and maintenance of all types of electrical and mechanical components in a wide range of railway vehicles. Our many workshops have modern facilities and equipment for expert maintenance and efficient logistics.
In our modern bogie-testbench, we can perform a series of advanced checks – and prepare status reports. In this way, we ensure that customers get the most optimized maintenance interval set into place.
Dynamic bench:
– Vibration analysis
– Brake test
– Condition testing on engines and gearboxes
– Noise measurement
Static bench:
– Wheel pressure measurement on all wheels
– Measurment of wheelbase and parallelism
– Measurement of primary and secondary spring height
– Bogie height, air suspension and density testing of brake system
– Radial rigidity
– Automatic calculation of shim dimensions for suspension/wheel pressure, etc
– Maintenance and service of HVAC facilities
– Mobile team – throughout Norway
– Maintenance of valves and compressed air components for all railway vehicles
– Maintenance and repair of compressors
– Maintenance, repair and modification of wheels, bogies and shock absorbers
– Leash re-processing
– Review, service and maintenance of all types of gearboxes and ZF gearboxes
– Thermal spraying for rebuilding worn components
– Hot and cold pressing of wheel discs
– Maintenance and repair of transformers, traction engines and engines.
– Maintenance and repair of pantographs, converters and batteries
– Maintenance of switch bridges
– Overhaul / repair of injectors / diesel injectors
– Overhaul / repair of diesel pumps / regulators
– Bench test with optimization and analysis of diesel engines in relation to emissions and performance
– Overhaul and repair of diesel engines
Mantena has extensive experience and expertise in procurement, storage and distribution in connection with material supply for railway vehicles.
Our main functions are:
– Total delivery of goods including procurement services
– Saves capacity
– Logistics and distribution warehouse management
– Component and spare-part stock establishment for new contracts
– Find and establish new suppliers
– Wide network of suppliers
– Consolidated deliveries and customized kits – standardized package solutions
Mantena Logistics is a supplier to many of the largest – and smallest – operators in Norway and Sweden and can offer flexible solutions tailored to your needs.
Benefits of choosing Mantena as your logistics provider:
– Allows you to focus on core business – maintenance and operation of rolling stock
– High availability
– Delivery on request
– Improved productivity
– Reduced inventory investment
– Improved asset management and loss of value
– Optimized costs, reduced operational risk and improved operational performance
Mantena is characterized by trust, efficiency and innovation.
Passenger train maintenance
Passenger train operators place high demands on safety, comfort and, not least, punctuality. With good systems and routines in place for preventive maintenance, Mantena is able to correct any potential errors so that they do not occur when the train is in operation. We carry out maintenance on all types of passenger trains – from traditional passenger carriages to modern high-speed trains.
This makes us a key player and an important contributor to today’s rail passenger traffic.
We carry out light maintenance, heavy maintenance, corrective maintenance and technical modifications of electric and diesel driven locomotives, electric and diesel driven carriages, passenger carriages and sleeping carriages.
Mantena are experts in paint. We have extensive experience in painting and rebranding passenger trains and other rolling stock.
We are proud to have one of Europe’s largest and most modern paint halls at our workshop at Grorud. Watch a film about the paint hall and what we can help you with.
- Paint jobs for the railways and other sectors/industries.
- Mobile paint team with professional painters and special equipment for minor repairs.
Repairs and modifications

Mantena has extensive experience in repair/restoration and modification jobs on rail vehicles.
We carry out small and large jobs on passenger trains, infrastructure equipment, trams and freight stock.
- Own team for mechanical and electrical modifications.
- Own sand-blasting hall.
- Machines for bending/cutting sheet metal.
- Welding table.
- Certified for welding on rail vehicles according to EN 15085-2.
Other Services
Through our local units, we can offer traditional workshop services for all types of railway vehicles.
All services are performed by highly qualified personnel who use different types of specialized equipment, adapted to the individual area of work.
Wheel lathe
At our three maintenance units in Oslo, Drammen and Trondheim we have modern and efficient underfloor benches.
The benches enable quick rotation by moving the material over the bench without removing the wheels. We complete work in line with agrees start and finish times.
Thermal spraying
We have extensive experience in thermal spraying for upgrading and improving mechanical parts that are subject to heavy wear.
Components, machines and equipment that need sandblasting are treated in our dedicated sandblasting room. The room has the capacity to take objects up to 30 meters long.