Page 40 - Mantena Annual Report 2021
P. 40
Sustainability, CSR and HSE
Mantena has long taken a systematic approach to HSE activities designed to reduce the number of injuries. The background to this effort is too many personal injuries in the past.
The number of injuries resulting in absence from work has been high, as is clear from the company’s H1 value. H1 is an
indicator of the frequency of work- related injuries resulting in absence per million hours of work. A targeted and systematic effort has been going on
for some time and is now showing good results, especially for injuries resulting in absence.
The main focus of the HSE measures has been on the most serious events, to prevent them from occurring.
Although there is still a lot to do, Mantena’s Director of quality, health and safety and environment, Roy Sannerhaugen, can point to a positive trend in the ‘H1’ measurements.
Preventive action
-We used to focus very much on addressing incidents as they happen. Of course that’s important, but the main thing is to ensure that such incidents do not happen at all. We
want to be ahead of the game, increase the amount of incident reporting and use the information and insight that
we have to prevent serious incidents and injuries, not just to deal with them when they occur. The work we have started is therefore very much about strengthening proactive behaviour and working systematically on prevention; above all, this means increased reporting of incidents and ensuring that this information is used in preventive action. We also see that the proportion of incident reports has increased over the past year.
Sannerhaugen tells of a number of initiatives that have been ongoing, including:
• Dialogue and exchange of experience with other businesses
• Follow-up and assistance in handling events when injuries occur
• Holding safety meetings for all employees, focusing on reporting events and incidents
• Specific meetings focusing on HSE for managers with staff responsibilities
• Explaining requirements for the use of protective equipment
• Adjusted and simplified checklists for safety inspections
• Implementing new procedures for recording and following up on safety inspections
Bringing this experience into the
Swedish operation
-It is hard to say which measures have had the biggest impact, but I am convinced that all of the measures taken together have contributed to the positive trend in the H1 measurements. Simply focusing on this, then undertaking a systematic review of all events to find the underlying causes, and making sure the same thing doesn’t happen again, are important measures in themselves, says Sannerhaugen.
-An important point is that we will take the experience from our improvement work in Norway into the Swedish business and work in a similar way there, he concludes.
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Development H1 Mantena AS
Linear (H1-figure)
40 Annual Report 2021
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